available on all platforms
Use focused space wherever you need it
focused space is available everywhere: use it in a web browser on your desktop computer, or take it with you on the go on your phone — available for both iPhone and Android.
Find links to every platform below.
Download instructions
Step 1:
Join the app-android group
Using the device on which you will install the app, click the link above to join the app-android group. This group provides access to the focused app.
Step 2
Download the app from the Google Play store
Click the button that says: "Become a Tester." Then you will be able to install the app from the Google Play Store.
* This group provides access to the focused app. It does not allow members to see other members' emails or send messages.
Desktop Web
Use your web browser!
You can always use focused on the web at https://app.focused.space/ — we suggest bookmarking the link!